Every flag funds a fighting chance. ​

Help cure Childhood Cancer for Good

Annual CURE Flags Campaign

Stand with families battling childhood cancer this September during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and all year long by purchasing a beautiful CURE flag to display near your mailbox, on your front door, in a planter, or in your yard!

We can’t wait to see flags lining neighborhoods across Georgia and all over the United States as we honor the many children who will be helped by the proceeds of flag sales – we can cure childhood cancer for good.

Captains needed
in the fight for a cure.
Put your passion to work.

Captains needed in the fight for a cure. Put your passion to work.

Every moment counts in the fight against childhood cancer, and YOU have the power to make a difference. By stepping forward to become a Captain and encouraging support in your community, you’re not just supporting vital research; you’re offering hope to families that there can be a future where every child has the chance to thrive.

Volunteer as a Flag Captain!

Captains are the heart of CURE’s flag program and the driving force behind its success. Captains have two primary responsibilities:

To Promote Sales – Captains are responsible for actively promoting sales of flags in your neighborhood/community and beyond. CURE will provide a Captain Tool-Kit, complete with a best practice guide, electronic flyer, QR code, social media graphics, copy templates and more. 

To Distribute Flags – Captains will pick up all flag orders placed under your name from the CURE office on a designated date in August. Those who purchased flags under your name will pick-up from you at a designated location and time.